Some painted 3D printed stuff! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The top three were gifts but Hornet and the Knight from Hollow Knight I’m...
Good work! Looks great, I'll have to plan around printing this soon. I'm sure we would be thrilled to have you share any updates or future...
More lizards from Ilhandiel, this time some halberd wielding "Leguan Temple Guard". Free on Thingiverse....
Lost Kingdom miniatures now has an online store for their 3d printable files. They have more inventory for the Cuetzpal Empire than previously...
For default Saurus infantry from Cuetzpal I don’t think you need to scale them any. Their hero and lord units are huge and I don’t have skink...
That cerato-saurus is rad. Also those shorts are very in line with the new bloodbowl saurus. I do need to find what Kroxigor proxy I want for my...
Looking rad. Didn't realize how big they were.
Your last post of images aren't showing up for me.
Just came across some more cartoonish miniatures being sold over on myminifactory by Orc King Studio. I'll try to fit the format this thread has...
[ATTACH] Carnosaur proxy [ATTACH] Cuetzpal Father and Mother, alternate Carnosaur proxy riders, along with a large kroxigor proxy...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Lots of fun thus far, with a smattering of small to moderate print failures. Typically supports not being good...
Another of the Lost Kingdom Cuetzpal Empire, in this case a statue. [ATTACH] and a Legianna from monster hunter. Able to find this by searching...
And first lost kingdoms lizardman is printing. Here is the main body shortly after ripping the supports off and an alcohol rinse. [ATTACH]
More work on blood bowl Saurus, added some vegetation and a loose rock or two. Will post that once the Saurus are glued down. Currently of note,...
Hello, it’s Croco. Painting progress on the blood bowl lizardmen has been slow in spite of recent free time. Not going to put too much more time...
The recent Blood Bowl team skinks are also worth looking at if you only need a few with large cute eyes and who are begging to be stomped after...
Hello Krissey, from my following Lost Kingdom's stuff I think there are two ways to get these miniatures currently. They have a patreon where...
I would perhaps vary up the color on the sail for the salamander if you want to change it. Could have the spines be red and keep the skin fan...
If you want some good scale comparisons of the previous cuetzpal run, I would take a look at obscurities in miniatures over on YouTube. He...
@Karnus 65 Euro to get the files for one of the forces, 120 Euro for both. Bare in mind that some of the images shared in the thread have not...