Yeah, I failed miseravly and voted for only one… sorry…
Almost done with this skink Chief! Still need some corrections, highlighting and texture to the base. Comments are appreciated!
If I recall correctly, I bought many years ago At Maelstrom Games.
At last, the unit is finished! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here is my offering to the feathered serpent. Name: Lotl-Botl
This month’s work will be: Saurus Old Blood On Cold One Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders unit filler - completed Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak...
Update in the unit, yet [ATTACH] some Shields to paint, unit filler and Karnac.
Unsuccesful month this is for me… Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 2 painted Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai -...
Pictures of the combat.
Once more fighting the servants of the Dark gods. 2500 points Lizards: Slann lore of light, channeling staff, reroll dispel and channel 3 dice...
Unsuccesful month this is for me… Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 1 painted Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai -...
Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai Karnac Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak...
Success: 5 Temple Guard 3 BFG Escort carriers Karnac’s Lizardmen Raider Frostgrave Templar Frostgrave Warhound Frostgrave Crossbowman Stegadon...
More or less. We just used each miniature as an unit on it’s own. It was fun.
Because we are using 8th edition rules. If there is a problem, I can try to remove the label.
Mission 2: The Fens The Lizardmen positioned its forces to Block the hordes of Chaos attempting to reach the Ogham Stones. The first to reach...
This is my convertion for Lotl-Botl. Body of a Saurus Old Blood From the Old Carnosaur kit, legs and shield From the new Carnosaur kit, Temple...
They are One Page Rules models.
Stegadon salvaged from ebay![ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
The Mists Recoil The Chaos Berzerkers cross the waters to reach the Shores of Albion while the Lizardmen Army assemble the defense. [ATTACH]...