Busy day tomorrow! I will have a couple of games after a long time without playing fantasy. Will post the outcome for the first two missions. For...
Paint Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 5 Temple Guard - completed! Nakai 4 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 1 completed Karnac Saurus Old Blood On foot...
WIP Gor-Rok. Any comments would be appreciated.
Adding some new colours schemes to the unit. The Saurus in Dark colours still nerds some drybrush.
Me too!, please!
I think they are from One Page Rules.
Some drybrush done.
I don’t think I still have the Fimir archive, but you may pm me with your e-mail and I will send you the file If I find it.
Reinforcements have arrived![ATTACH]
According to my opponent, the daemon prince was Unstable. I don’t know what rules he was using.
Turn 4 (last turn because My opponent had to Go Home) Chaos No charges Magic phase: fireball dispelled Close combat: Temple Guard kills 5...
Turn Three Chaos Daemon prince charges salamander unit two Magic: fireball dispelled, throne of vines dispelled. Close combat: daemon prince kills...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Round 2 Chaos Scylla charges skinks On the left. Chaos warhounds and Chaos Knights charges skinks On the right....
First Turn Chaos Daemon prince charges the tower, skullcrushers charge the chamaleon skinks. Every other Chaos unit move forward. Magic phase:...
This saturday we played a Special mission that will be used in the upcoming tournament: a watchtower mission with Victory based On Victory points,...
I have no idea, just got to the club and played, and played again last saturday, new Battle report coming soon.
WIP (including a Nakai The Wanderer conversion) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
This is My collection so far. I’ll show first what is painted, then what is work in progress. Matezumon, the Slaan From Temple City of Tlaxlaca...