I'm not sure how the who units armor is improving, but the razor standard would give the unit armor piercing. Grimgor gives them hatred and an...
No, you have to use the magical weapon and the great weapon is just a waste of points.
A basic black orc has a 5+ armor save, S and T 4, and one attack. They can pay for a shield, or go two hand weapons or a great weapon. Temple...
I might have misread the abbreviations, but did you give your cowboy two weapons?
I hear you, when I realized my original entry wouldn't be finished in time without cutting corners I had to make a similar choice. I think it's...
Seems like a way to tone down cowboys without hurting cold one riders or on foot characters r s
I usually use a razor saw, but if a need an extra fine cut I will use a jeweler's saw
Well reasoned and spoken.
Is the stegadon a chariot or a monster?
The same number of saurus will also produce 50 attacks, with the chance at another 10-40 depending on how predatory fighter is played.
I like what you did with them and they are a pleasure to look at. Unfortunately it boggles my mind that those models are intended for a warhammer...
Will not charging $10 each catch your interest?
It's been months. You need to tell that friend of yours to let you use his light box so we can get some more pics :rolleyes:
I'm hoping to get my Acropolis of Heroes finished in time, or maybe a dwarf brewery. I'm glad to see so many people excited and motivated by this,...
Once again a good synergy of pieces from different sources.
I love it, especially the face.
Superb looking. I particularly like the transition from stone outside to the brick lining.
Exciting, I will plan on taking part
How does the BSB prevent the unit from being stupid?
I don't know, lizards wearing lizard skin just seems a little off.