I think tyrannies bits are a great idea. I'm more curious what is happening with the scar vets head.
It would be a failed charge and the knights would move inches equal to the highest charge die, unless this would take them within an inch of the...
Very nice, I especially liked the ripper wings and the contrast between the white saurus and the colors on the dinosaur.
I like it. My only suggestion would be to add some gloss varnish on the ice.
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Slann update 9/10) Very nice, I especially like the blue.
That's great! I love seeing the mix of fun and hobby. You did a great job of making it fit the model and look lizardy.
What about a thin roll of greenstuff along each side of the crest, smoothed out to hold it in place? I happen to have that model and no plans...
I agree with removing the quiver and adding a crest. I think the crest especally will make the model pop. While I think adding a staff/want...