So overall, the Basti's were a LOT of fun to paint and base! I had a great time and I'll probably go back and do some more details for the armor...
I then applied the Armaggeddon Dunes texture paint to the bases, waited 24 hours to make sure it is completely dry and then dry brushed using...
The rocks were painted using Troll Slayer Orange, washed with Agrax Earthshade and then dry brushed using Tyrant Skull, which gives them a nice,...
At this point, all that was left to do were the bases. I was going for the desert base as is the rest of my Seraphon army, but like I said in a...
The battle report is much appreciated, looking forward to the rest of them! Thanks!
I think IF a new battletome was to be released, new models would not be in it. They would more likely update our current warscrolls, maybe add a...
Allright thanks to both of you I will look into it!
Are you talking about the big scale plates all over the Bastiladons?
Tomorrow, we tackle the bases!
All that is left are the eyes, which I painted using Flash Gitz Yellow, as I like to give them the Daemon feel! And done! The painting of the...
It was now time to paint all thing metallic and the weapons! Started of with the javelins, which were painted using Rhinox Hide for the stick and...
Following the basic paint scheme of my Skinks, I went ahead and based them using Kantor Blue, and then Teclis Blue for the back scales. [ATTACH]...
Thank you!
This is a very interesting list, as it managed to claim a top spot while not playing our typical top contenders (Kroak, Thunderquake)....
Can't agree more, talk about overpriced models :confused:
Thank you all!
When the skin was finally dry, I then drybrushed all over it with Ushabti Bone ! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
While waiting for the shade to dry I painted the shell in Mephiston Red to give it a bright red base.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I then proceeded to wash all over the skin using Agrax Earthshade. I wait about an hour to make sure it is completely dry. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Quick pic of the Big brother basti, waiting for his new base to come! [ATTACH]