I'm sorry, what is the difference between the old answer and this one? How does it affect the ripper? Excited to hear that tho, that really helps us!
Here is my balewind vortex I've done. Went for a pretty basic paint scheme. The whirlwind of energy was a lot of fun to drybrush![ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thank you, it is one of the models I am most proud of :D
I eventually got myself a nice deal on internet for a Troglodon, and I just loved painting the model. My understanding of the different painting...
Thanks! More pics coming today/tonight!
The Saurus Knights were next after that. Took me quite some time to plaint them, as I would lose motivation in between each cold one model......
Still got many more pictures of Seraphon stuff coming this weekend! I'm trying to keep these posts in chronological order, as far as I can...
Next up were my chameleon skinks, and at this point I felt my painting skills had improved. Great feeling![ATTACH] [ATTACH]
At that point I'd taken a big break from painting, trying to play more games and get new models. That's about the time when I started amassing...
I then tackled some Ripperdactyls and I gotta say I really like how they turned out! Was not sure about the wings but the more and more I see them...
Next up was the Slann, but I can't find any pictures of when I was painting him and I'm currently working on him to freshen him up a bit. Pics...
Allright, here are the very first models I have done when I first started the hobby; The Saurus Warriors.[ATTACH][ATTACH] They were based on the...
Hey y'all! Finally decided to give this painting blog thing a go, not sure if i'll be very consistent in the updates but I'll try my best! I...
Stories have been a highlight for 2018 for me, no questions about it. Always looking forward to the next one
My bad, corrected :D
Allright boys, The next big tournament in my region is at the end of April, and I intend on taking my Seraphon this time. Finished last one in...
As I've painted A LOT in february, for my tournament with my tzeentch, march will be somewhat of a ''chill'' month :) I aim to finish the custom...
Aren't Grots in groups of 20? 20-40-60? Not sure though
Good to hear some games against the new stuff! Thanks!
Hey y'all! Looking to build soon a Thunderquake list, got any advice on what to go for besides the units required in the batallion? I'd be going...