A shame, really! However kitchen extension should always be a priority! (I wouldn't really mind having a bigger kitchen myself!) :) BTW, is there...
Looks very good, indeed! :) Very clever use of the Aranarok catapult piece. Would go very mice with forest goblins army.
Thank you! I am most pleased that you liked it. I've spent many hours in total to make it. ) :) Well, the technique is really simple. I just took...
Very interesting! I am not 8th, 9th edition or AoS player, I prefer Kings of War. However some of your ideas will perfectly suit my ever expanding...
I also like your miniatures quite a bit. I was recently thinking of converting fyreslayers (ugh, hate these AoS names! :confused:) into proper...
Thank you very much! ) :) Thanks! I hope you'll enjoy the miniatures and terrain pieces I have today. ) Thanks a lot! By all means, use any...
That is amazing, really! :) I can't wait to see the finished entry. And lovely undead figures as well. I shall definitely be following your thread. )
Thank you. But You are too kind, really. ) :oops: I meant the results the guy in the video got though. I'll give his technique a try, but not...
Thank you. ) :) That is expanding foam, shaped to be less "bubbly" and more rock-like. Once the foam is still nice and wet and has just started...
Well, since people have started posting their WIPs, I shall do the same. It is not my custom to post unfinished models or terrain pieces, but...
Oh, my! *faints* On a serious note, I must confess I am a bit stuck with my project as well (lava lake). I have drawn the plan, made the layout,...
Not that many people are sharing their progress. Hm, what might that mean? Simple procrastination? Or something more sinister? :eek:
Thank you very much! I really am enjoying my stay here. Here's my topic:...
I guess using Kroxigors is economically effective (who said slave manual labor in Warhammer world is inefficient?), but still, I guess Skinks...
A small sneek peek of my terrain project. What might that mean? :) [IMG]
Looks fantastic so far! Is it going to be lizards-oriented? Or perhaps a generic quarry?
Thank you very much. I am pleased that you like my work. I really am.) :) Indeed it is. ) ;) I, however, am not entirely sure how to use them...
Another swamp piece. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][ATTACH] Carnivorous Plants. These interesting creatures have been populating Dagger Island since before...
And another update for your judgement. ) Salamander Temple/Burial Mound Salamanders often bury their kings, shamans, chiefs or other notable...
You are too kind. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of my future additions. )