I would second that question. Today I drew a draft of my entry and it turns out that the best possible way to execute it is to make a vignette....
Wonderful! I have never created anything lava-based, so I suppose it is going to be an exciting experience for me! ) If I understood correctly, I...
Oh, I am terribly sorry, I got carried away. I use thin plastcard. I am not entirely sure what type of plastic it is made of, but it is extremely...
Thank you very much. ) I am pleased that you liked my work. As for the bases, @Crowsfoot has it absolutely correct. This army was designed and is...
Thank you! I already have moved there and the amount of great works there is overwhelming! :)
And another small update. :) Salamander Battle platforms. [IMG][ATTACH] [IMG][ATTACH] [IMG][ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thank you very much! :) Well, I use mostly Army painter range. In their classification of colours that is Army green. I mix it with a tad of black...
Thank you. :) I still have a lot to read and study on this forum. Now I am mostly dwelling in the fluff section. Most impressive pieces can be...
Why, now isn't it a pleasant surprise?) My first day in jungle and a contest that I would just love to participate in! Name: The Penguin Terrain:...
Ghekkotah Hunters [IMG][ATTACH] [IMG][ATTACH] Ghekkotah Shaman (Note the fiery feathers as a nod to their fire-based religion. Life in damp...
Good day. ladies and gentlemen! ) :) Greetings from far mysterious Russia! I have been a lurker on the forum for some time, but once I started a...
Ceremonial Guards. Those select few salamanders who have dedicated their life to military career usually fill up the ranks of Ceremonial guards....
Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) [IMG][ATTACH] In this thread I shall be posting pictures of my Kings of War army: Salamanders. Yes, it looks...