Duuuuudes... If any of you are going to the NOVA Open, let me know. I'll be there. I emailed their newsletter people with the tool a couple weeks...
Fixed. (Except the Alpha +1 attack stuff, I don't include that) Fixed. Yes, it would be really fun to do, once we have all the armies added...
Yes, it's because they are considered easy to remember. There is some history here. Seraphon was the first army I ever wrote down for AoS...
Added Beasts of Chaos
is it possible to request a name change? I’d like to go by “daviseford” if possible
Added Gutbusters
Much appreciated! We just released another update - we've moved Glades/Hosts/Grand Courts/Lodges/etc to "Allegiances". Previously, we had these...
Hey guys, I first posted a link to AoS Reminders 3 months ago. At the time, it only supported Sylvaneth and Seraphon. I got a lot of great...
Duplicate abilities are now merged. Eg if two heroes have the same ability, it used to show as two different reminders. It will now show as...
You can now add multiple allies! This will help when making soup armies or adding mercenaries (mercs will be added soon)
Seraphon spells are up! You know I did them first :) I love my lizard boys.
Spells and Endless spells are now supported - your favorite army may not have spells yet, but we are diligently working on adding them!
Oh also, we've added: Slaves to Darkness Hedonites of Slaanesh Fyreslayers Tamurkhans Horde Legions of Azgorh In the past few days :) We also...
Yes! I am literally coding that feature as we speak. I hope to have it out by Sunday. I will post in here once it's out.
Added Nurgle
Done. Luckily, I had help! I've been blessed with some contributors to the codebase, and this was the result of one of them working really,...
Added Stormcast eternals!
Just added the ability to hide/collapse certain rules. If they are hidden, they won't appear when printing! Useful if you already know certain...
Exciting news! You can now add allied units to your army! Give it a try :)
LoN added!