If anyone finds a non-paywalled version of the match, please post it here. Side note: I can think of nothing more hostile to spreading Warhammer...
I'm glad you enjoy it!
Something Something like 58 skinks now have basecoats for their flesh. 17 or 18 left. Balewind Vortex and Ripperdactyls arrived today. [ATTACH]...
I am currently 52 models deep into basecoating my skinks. Omg :( My poor hands
Is there a thread on Lustria for swapping or buying minis? I know I am always looking for Razordons...
Oh boy, I have some reading to do :)
Hey guys, I've been working on this army for the last year and a half. Heads up: I have also written about my army on my blog: daviseford.com. I...
Okay, I added more realistic places to hail from (using this map of Lustria for reference). I also added a bunch of Saurian words and fragments....
Scalenex, thank you! I didn't know about the Saurian dictionary: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Saurian (linked for other inquisitive...
Hey Aginor, First of all, the fact that you know about the shittalk generator makes my heart warm. It is still one of my all time favorite...
Thanks ravagekitteh! I will probably create a paint log at some point. I've got over 2k points painted... currently working on 73 (!!!) skinks.
Hey guys, I have been building a Seraphon list for the last 1.5 years, and lately one of my gaming buddies really wanted to get into the RPG side...