Hi all, I probably haven't posted in about 10 years by now... I hope everyone is doing well! I have a bunch of square based saurus warriors / old...
Thanks for the detailed reply! Turns out my friend just really messed up then :D He didn't all out defense and thought his ward was only for...
Hi, so my friend and I just played our second game today. Seraphon vs Soul Blight gravelords. I managed to charge my scar vet carno (215 pts)...
Thanks for all the feedback guys! We're pretty casual with how we've played so far. We did conclude at the end of our game that he positioned...
Thanks for this tool! My first game with a friend took 4 hours due to forgetting abilities or just in general searching for what abilities we...
I had my second game of aos with my friend today, being honest, kroak seemed to single handedly crush his entire army. I got a lucky cast of 12...
I still have these bad boys from the dice thread years ago [ATTACH]
Does anyone know if the digital GHB 2018 unlocks allegiance abilities? It says I need to buy the 2017 book to unlock them?...
I never thought I'd see the day where games workshop published rules online, for FREE?!
So I've never actually played a game of age of Sigmar. I bought the first generals handbook (2017?) and the Seraphon book to accompany it. Long...
Yeah, I'm based in the UK, just down by Portsmouth. I saw the MDF bases but was a bit skeptical, is there any downside to using these over the...
Okay so I've decided to make the jump to round bases, however, I can't find any reasonably priced sources. I'm looking for around the following:...
I have about 100 square based units including 2 carnosaurs, 2 bastillos, 1 stega Yeah this is my primary motive, big units look much better on...
Hey all, long time no see. Having only just finished my year at Uni I've finally got some free time and started painting again. With the new aos...
Do you go back to the basic paint job at a later date and brush them up with more detail? Or do you find them at a high enough standard to play with?
I really enjoyed painting big models (Carnosaur, Stegadon, Slann etc) or units with low model counts (Rippers, Kroxigors etc) however as of late...
So I've got a bunch of lizardmen lined up to make and paint, but I currently have thousands of points of Lizardmen and nothing else. I'm trying to...
Agreed. Additionally our public transport has much to be longed for.
... I didn't realise Nottingham was THAT far away from the south coast!
Oh awesome, I'm currently studying at Portsmouth uni at the moment, just trying to get my army painted so I can participate in some games at the...