Great lore brother the slann truly have given you his knowledge
Yup completely agree this post is true and pure quality and if Krai’kotak can put a small brick to support the article Krai’kotak would do it
Well first of all great article now to my personal opinion the lizardmen maybe have some sort of domestic animals like small reptiles or maybe...
Absolutely glorious that model
Well I have knowledge about zoology and dinosaurs sos I my time has came. The main defense of large animals is exactly it’s bulk and in the case...
N no worries Youngblood don’t doubt to talk to me if you have any questions or just wan’t to chat.;)
Hellow my cold blooded recently spawned friend welcome to the forums!!!! I am an experienced saurus and my fights in the realms have theached me...
¡¡¡greetings brother!!!, welcome to lustria I kinda feel indentified with you im also a total war warhammer 2 player(all my campaings are...
that sounds pretty acuarate pal
That could also be true but I’m still can’t imagine a thunder lizard as a long neck
I was thinking exactly that the colossadon probly would be pacefull long neck giants who just wanders lustria and eats plants maybe it’s only true...
Well hellow my fellow reptilians( I know I know the next part of the my lore is not updated yet and I don’t think somebody cares)but i got this...
¡¡¡Brace yourself my cold blooded brothers a new warrior for the great plan, a new mighty fighter from the coward forces of chaos will run away!!!...
In the Aztec,Mayan and Peruvian pirámids only the priests ands high religious charges were in the top of the piramids during the ceremonies not...
Well first thanks for the welcome great prophet you honor me with your presence and secondly I cannot say wich are my next plans and ideas...
Well that’s an interesting proposition and yes I am aware of the excistence of the Catachan but i also have a answer for that the next theme is...
Thanks there gonna be more parts(lots of parts) and I will try to explain and explore every aspect of the lizardmen/seraphon.I acept sugestions...
Well here we are again my brothers the second part of this the fist part is here...
aye fellow defenders of the great plan how are you doing……….ok ok i know its a very old theme i know its been discused thousands of times but...
¡¡¡Brace yourself fellow brothers a New warrior has join our forces!!! May the wise of the slans guide your hand May the bravery of the saurus...