Just a quick question as I am almost ready to submit my entry; how do I dm Scalenex with my entry?
Wow! This is amazing!
Thanks! I definitely see what you mean on Breath, the signature spell, and replacing hard numbers with dice. I'm still trying to decide if I...
Wow! That is some kitbash! Also that base looks amazing. How did you do the grass?
Yeah, I've gotten blown out a few times with Lore of Life. Toughness 6 saurus and dwellers below are still pretty ridicolous, so it's not the...
Both FoM and WD are excellent choices, I usually go FoM because I feel it's more versatile, but I definitely think they're both viable choices. Oh...
Well I surprised myself and actually finished my first draft yesterday. Should be finished with edits by the end of the week!
That's crazy! The blood and the basing skills..... wow!
I'm around halfway through my first draft, and I have 10 days to go. My procrastination... Ah well, I'll probably do a lot of writing this weekend.
Nice! Love the white highlights.
Welcome to the forum! So many good threads... I recommend starting with Scalanex's The index to rule all indexes, as it has loads of good tactica...
Wow! Never thought green could work on a saurus and you nailed it! Impressive.
Despite not considering myself a good painter, at all, I decided to try to get my act together and see what I could paint. I was seriously out of...
EEFL looks great! I play Beastmen as well as LM, so it will be a good place to find lists and battlereps for them. I actually checked out your...
Wow! That playmat (excuse me if I have the wrong term, I play Magic: The Gathering) really adds so much. You seem to have well-painted models.
Yes, for some reason I keep buying Cold One Riders, even though I know how bad they are. I now have 24. Glad to see someone found a use for them!
If you are putting him in the saurus block, he is already slowed to the speed of the saurus. I would either drop the cold one or put him in a cold...
Finally! We get some GW love. I'm making fantasy rules for this beauty pronto.
Wow! That is looking amazing so far!