Nice! It will certainly be interesting to see what you come up with. The current kitbash I'm working on is a skink oracle/jungle swarm mash that...
Yeah, a green color scheme would look great! I love the stegadon howdah/crystal of chotec. Coming up with some rules for that thing is going to be...
Another one! Impressive! Happen to get any pictures?
Nice! Kitbashing is probably my favorite part of building models, most of the time it's a huge chore to cut all of the plastic parts out and then...
Yeah, from the writing I've done I've realized feedback is key. Otherwise it can feel like a pretty endless slog, and feedback really helps to...
Great battle report! After one of those games where basically everything dies, I always arrange all the models in a massive graveyard to fully...
I just finished chapter four. Wow! Your worldbuilding is excellent, and the character development looks really good so far.
Wow, that is some amazing paint job! Serious props.
The terrain and models are absolutely gorgeous, it's amazing to see the detail you put into each model! I will definitely have to do some...
Thanks! I doubt I have the terrain necessary but hopefully my collection will improve soonish.
Wow! That painting is way beyond what I could do. Welcome! I haven't played Mordheim at all and I'm curious as to where you get the rules for...
Battle report is up
Thanks! I definitely will have to bring something next time to deal with the archers. Magic definitely would have helped My opponent is planning...
Aftermath and Reflections Wow! What a game! We both made a lot of mistakes (forgetting fear entirely, not charging when it was really important...
Turns Four and Five Turn Four Turn four was pretty standard, as the rest of one skink unit and another rank of saurus fell to the glade guard and...
Turn Two and Three Turn Two In order to turn things around, I needed a seriously good turn, and a seriously good turn was what I got. Movement...
Deployment, Lists, and Turn One Greetings! This battle was really fun and had some twists, so I'll get right into it. This was his list: Wood...
Alright, the battle is finished! It was the first time since the beginning of COVID that I played Warhammer so we were both a bit rusty on some of...
Alright, the battle takes place tommorow. I've brushed off all my terrain and set up my wargaming table. Battlerep should be up sometime tomorrow...
Hello! Looks like you have quite the collection starting. I usually go with high magic+focus of mystery on the slann just because the lore...