Here is the finished Saurus Scar Veteran. What an awesome project, thoroughly enjoyed this guy, was welp worth the wait. C&C is always welcome...
Think you can just set one up, admins can usually edit it if anything is out of place.
Still working on my saurus scar veteran...
There are several other factions not fighting for Archaon, like the stormcast. Prehaps an elite team of seraphon who are specialists in...
Colours I used were vallejo model air 'steel' and 'chrome' as well as scale75 'decay black'. I based the metal in vallejo steel, I then glazed...
I did very subtle glazes of Scale75 'sunset Purple' and 'blood red' The paints need to be thinned like water, add the paint to the brush then...
Combination of glazing, wet blending and spit blending. I based the model in mid tone, then shaded down via glazes of my shadow colour, I then...
Yes, tried to up my TMM game, so I've tried to increase the contrast as well as add chipping to the metal. Thanks
The saurus is now in progress! Calling the lower half done, moving onto the torso/arms. Some really brutal close ups here, I also tried to...
Just looking at my current Saurus, seeing how it lacks detail compared to this. The fact each tooth is individually sculpted is just awesome,...
Would you do another carno, or do a Troglodon? If you do the trog, you get the really cool saurus on foot.
Came alot sooner than expected, which is nice, onto the nightvault kill team next... Also anyone know when these will be up for pre order? Will...
Awesome work, he turned out great
Nice to see chad saurus on the pitch. More I look at these the better they get, starting to think of some conversion ideas...
I have to say, the new blood bowl team sculpts are a little odd. The saurus look pretty decent, a big improvement over the normal saurus...
Thanks for all the support with regards to everchosen. Finished the display base for the Saurus scar veteran, was really fun to work on as I've...
Great work on the wet blending it looks really effective.
I entered my Troglodon into the Open category for everchosen, and managed to win gold. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Thanks
Wow, never heard of this creature, you've done an awesome job with it. Kinda hoping Geedubz releases one, as I would very much like to paint...
Zandri dust followed by Seraphim sepia creates a nice dull base for the bone, prehaps mix some rhinox hide into the zandri and glaze towards the...