Sneak peak into my next project... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Really looking forward to this, waited nearly a year to start this guy, I want to...
Model doesn't usually have eyes, I've sculpted some. Thanks
Hi all Got another Troglodon update, as well as another project. Managed to get the display base done, overall I'm really pleased as I haven't...
Really can't wait to get stuck into this mini. Awesome work
Where does one find this miniature? Awesome paint scheme
They look really good, nice to see some variation to the classic, yet outdated cold ones.
Hopefully we'll see it painted by the end of this year. I tend to work on this on and off as its such a large project. Thanks
Thank you for your kind words. The underbelly was based in Rakarth flesh, I then gave it an all over wash using a mix of 25% rakarth 75%...
I plan on doing it in the colours of Legio Gryphonicus, as I have got the Forge World Decal sheet. Here is a Titanicus scale warhound I did quite...
Love the Saurus, that face and back pattern is really unique, keep it up
So next up, here is a pretty large project that has been ebbing and flowing over the last 6 months. This is a mock up test [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Okay so I am completely new to the forum, so bare with me. This will include other AOS, 40k, and even scale models, I know it's not all lizardmen...
Red certainly screams 'DANGER' Glad you like it, cheers
Very well put across, a good read. So we have good hopes for blood bowl, which is fine by me because I would love to see how they add character...
I wanted him to look well travelled, as I've read that skink oracle's travel far in search of artifacts. This will tie into the display base,...
Thank you, I'll definitely post more in the future.
Thanks, I'll definitely do more Larger creatures in the future, prehaps a stegodon as that is an awesome kit. Got to agree with the gold, I...
Some extra pics I couldn't fit on... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hi all Got another Troglodon update. I've actually manged to complete the Troglodon himself, but I am yet to do the display base. Overall I'm...
Interesting fact.... The medieval times were in the past Thats the extent of my knowledge, use it wisely