Some more progress, remember this guy? [ATTACH] Still need to touch him up a bit, and fluff is still to come. Also was inspired by this thread,...
While you are almost certainly correct in that assumption, don't hold out on us!
I likewise stick to building and painting :D welcome!
Done! and with a few hours to spare!
You will be getting a last minute entry from me!
Nice conversions! Always cool to see when people make things a bit more unique
I realized part of my glacial painting pace comes from having to pick color schemes, so here's a quick conversion project that didn't require me...
As I understand it for AoS boltspitters and shields are the only competitive way to build skinks in the current meta. But I'm not a tactics guy,...
So I'm continually torn between waiting to reveal my projects for when the models are all painted up and pretty or to show off as I go, but given...
What's great about AoS fluff for the Seraphon is that you can basically do whatever you like fluffwise and it can still fit the official lore....
I've got an outline, plus 300 words down. Having fun with this theme!
So I'm learning I'm a really slow painter, but that's partially because I'm distracted by the next set of kitbashes/conversions I'm working on. I...
The show is looking good so far!
I haven't been following the marketing that much, do you have examples?
Can't wait. But also Static Shock is top tier and highly recommended, even if it doesn't hit your nostalgia button of Saturday morning cartoons...
Just think of the ratings! Fair, should have said regular instead of weekly :D
There's also the cultural element of eating. Humans for example can treat meals as sacred, or often at least ascribe significant social value to...
I also really like the archetype of the indifferent villain. So confident in their power that any efforts to oppose them are boring. Their...
Belated congrats to @thedarkfourth for a worthy victory! Thanks reviewers for the praise and constructive criticism of my story. And great work...
I love @Aginor's segmentation of the Slann. I could see a bunch of great stories about the tension caused between the traditionalists and the...