I just found the band Angelspit and that’s all I’ve been listening too for a few weeks now lol. I can’t give music recommendations without...
Haha that would be an amazing circumstance but I had bought this a long time ago I just had it shipped to the house I live in during the school...
How come you use javelins on the skinks? Is the better to wound worth the lower range?
played against them but it was a 1000 points 1v1v1 scenario and I was against nurgle and LRL. I had to go first and since they both are fat armies...
I know they aren’t officially released yet, but the rules, points, and base sizes are out so you can proxy stuff in. One of the people I play...
I bought a dread saurian off of eBay and it came with some extra saurus looking models. I was wondering if any of you guys could recognize them.
The puppy is a golden doodle and the old one is a golden retriever. This is the puppy now.
This is an old picture from when the one was just baby but it’s too cute not to share
My friend I play AOS with is wanting to get into 40K with the new necron models dropping so I’m looking to get started too. I really like...
Maybe use the frills from flesh hounds? I’m not sure how well they’d fit straight on but it might be a good place to look.
I don’t think you can put artifacts on the mounts weapons
I checked the slaves to darkness battalions to compare the chaos lord, since there are many different mounted versions, and in their battalion...
Aww dang. What do they mean in the rules when they say you can ignore sub headers for battalions in the rule book?
Can I run an oldblood on carnosaur as part of the Sunclaw battalion? In the rules it says you can ignore sub headers if the units title is there...