Do we know when? And can I read the full article somewhere?
Awesome! Where is this from?
Couldn’t agree more
“You banished Khul and the Orb Infernia to an earlier point in their timeline, giving the Seraphon who once defended the orb another chance at...
Agreed. But it would be so cruel if the awnser would be no. And somewhere sigmar is gonna get in trouble for shure. Let Dracothian bail him out...
But this tho: Week 4: A Stitch In Time You managed to pull things back from the brink by constructing a chronomantic cannon, a superweapon from...
Well it doesnt help, and he can easily keep you in closecombat with horrors.
Hi Guys, Does anyone know a good bitshop for Serapon. All the ones I can find have Serpahon out of stock :(
With their lowest matching the highest dice and +1. They can easily dispell you for 2 spells. Combined with Look out Sir and no shooting out of...
Gues the point is, nerf them, make them les usefull and use the model/faction spell. Which is a great improvement. They just have to update...
The problem is that a 2+ gets way better, lets say almost untouchable. As some can stack prayers/abilities to saves and the add MS. Where they...
The faction focus you mean? Werent we discussing that? Or did I mis another post about tzeench
I know we shouldnt judge too quickly. But all points are indicating we need quite a few bigger changes. Think that might be too much to ask for....
The stealing is an ability from the curseling exclusively right?
Hopefully we get an own lore! That would make up hugely. Hope we dont have to wait until a battletome update
Beat me to it. Although I dont see an upgrade for us. Maybe is our warscrolls get updated.
New magic is up. From this glimpse, I’m not to happy. Auto unbind for everyone within 30inch. Which was a nice ability from the slann. The 2...
What is realistic to expect? Everything which can be summoned with a 5+? Skinks, Priests, Saurus Heroes (wo carno) Or hopefully till a 6+...
Only to hit and wound rolls of 6. Saves not. Thats how I read the second rule. Or is it somewhere else too?
Behemoth keyword would suits better imo. Or is that the same?