Well it does help alot against 6+ to hit from skyfires, vanguard raptors and others doing special damage on a X+
De spells look faction specific. Can we assume each faction gets one?
Pretty hyped! Guess we’ll have to score points somehow. With nurgle I believe they get point by contaminating terrain en fieldarea or so? Slanesh...
You have a valid point. Lets hope for a reduction then. Atleast they now can shut down warmachine hopefully. They tend to really suck in CC....
Chameleon skinks get alot better now being able to shut down an shooting unit. So they gain in value I think. OB just always felt a tad...
Well see. I’ll just have to be patient to see how battalions will work. On the speculations of points dropped across the board. What do we...
But seeing most list on this forum, is it like 95% or maybe more a battalion list with some added units. The whole list building doesnt feel as...
Doesnt it make most list predictable? With list building in tcg or anything else I just love to see unexpected combo’s and synergies. With...
Bit dissapointed about the commandpoint being tied to battalions. Its like go battalions or go home. Not really list building anymore.
The minor changes then I hope ;)
You think? They did Order, Death, Chaos, Destruction. So my bet is on order. With Serpahon being the absolute nr 2 in Order, it my be us lizards....
Really makes Guards weaker and weaker. Maybe make them 2 wounds. Then their points would go up. Hopefully to 120 with all the reductions. Or 140....
15 wounds at 2+, immune to rend and 4+ against mortals. You would need 30 mortal wounds or 90 normal wounds, or combination of both to kill it....
Maybe with the new command system you could use the command ability of everyone, but you can only choose 1 each turn. Or maybe more, depending on...
But at th cost of a teleport, and not able to use melee+shooting in the same turn. Unless you rolled a six for the teleport.
Skinks can always wary fighter themselfs out of combat tho
Would also wreck KO I guess. Also the axes from fireslayers. His wording just seemed weird. Could have said, no shooting when in combat. That with...
Does anyone know what they mean with; No shooting ‘out’ of combat? Is it no shooting when in combat? Or only shooting at the unit where you’re in...
Really hope some magic updates where they hinted at!
Holy scales! Can I find a picture anywhere?