Hey fellow Lustrians, i got into painting again some months ago and thought i'd share my current projects. On the painting desk atm: 1) 2) Paint...
I tried some cheap terrain building with materials from home and i thought i'd share it. Materials used: card board wood glue sand tissues...
Yes. It loses his behemoth tag when it becomes battleline.
I prefer list 2. It is something new and you can use big dinos. ;) Although i had only one normal game before the lock down vs Ironjawz. The list...
Hey, welcome :). LoSaT: I don't do it every game. You have to consider if you are going to gain more then you lose. But if the enemy has a...
The smallest possible deployment zone is marked on the paper. What kind of showing would you prefer?
Chapter 3 and 4 are under construction now. I feel there is very little interest in meeting engagements here. Seems to be a local thing. :)
This is not mine, but it worked for me. https://twitter.com/meermousemarc/status/1246737334210637824?s=20
The first 2 chapters are started. Feel free to give input / feedback. :)
In this thread i want to collect as much usefull information as possible for meeting engagements, wich has some gamechanging limitations. In...
Sorry for beeing too vague. I asked for the general rule of placement of the RSE in tournament Play. (I know you can't bring your shattered...
I thought about setting a shattered temple at the opposite site of the table. It has +1 Cast und is deadly (which doesn't hurt coalescent). (Is...
After a few games of testing vs myself :-/. I figured: - the Slann is a must have - a single Salamander ist not as efficient as i hoped...
They are all regular paints. You can drybrush with them just as good as with any other paint. You have to put some paint in a tissue before you...
1) Abbadon Black primer 2) Incubi Darkness (base) 3) Fenrisian grey (drybrush) 4) Fenrisian grey / pallyd wich flesh (3-1) (light drybrush) 5)...
The FAQ is here. Basti is rend immune. Realmshaper is unchanged. :-/
It is done...finally. :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I only have the german Version and i am very bad at translating but i try my best. The arrive with their force or later (spearhead, Main Body,...
The Mainbody can only have double sized Battleline. I am not sure if you can fit all the bases in the deployment zone. :-/ (And i think...
Hey, thank for your awesome tool! Will you update it for the new book? I can't wait to put my lists into it. :-)