We play mostly Meeting Engagement in our gaming group and LGS and there will be a tourney series going on this year. At least we hope so. So i...
Basti 1+ save 10Wounds no protection Guard 2 wounds (There is a Link somewhere to the group.)
The warscrolls are posted in the whatsapp group. Cant copy them at work. Looks legit to me.
I am playing this list at the moment. It performs well so far with the exception of tzeentch. SPEARHEAD Slann Starmaster General Command Trait :...
The Guards are part of a battalion, that makes them legal.
Thank you! I will try it has you said. Since Tau Sept ochre is no longer sold, do you think balor brown is the right replacement? Or Tau light ochre?
These Rippers look amazing! :) Can you give a short summary how you did the wings? I am really frustrated trying to do them. :-/
I tested an eotg build for several meeting games and everything failed miserably. :-/ I would rather take a slann instead. You get to roll the...
Did another Testgame yesterday and the engine didn't perform again. So i kicked it. To solve the Problem of 10 ovalbases not fitting in the...
There is a meeting engagement tournament coming up in my region and in our preperation games we encountered the following problem while deploying:...
I did some test games...it doesn't work for me. The engine is to fragile and i needed the dice dependend summoning to badly. I will change the...
You are right. I was playing with two battlelines all the time. Thank you sir! I think i will put the Knights together then.
I swapped the vortex out an replaced it with skink handlers in the main body. I try to explain my reasoning. It would be nice, if you point me...
The litle Snake Bits in the Saurus Knight Sprues. They look like base decoration stuff.
Thats exactly what i thought. You moved your 300 Point heavy hitters from your claimed objective to fight my engine/slann? Here we come. ;)
A third razordon is not allowed. (Max double unit size) :-/ Do you prefer skinks? I am afraid they will feed to many victory points.
I need two battlelines. :-/
Hey, i'm thinking about an alternative List for meeting engagement games. Spearhead: Skink Starpriest Meteroic Convocation 5 x Chameleon...
I recommend building your own (Seraphon themed) chronomatic Cogs. The Balewind is not included in the malign sorcery pack. If you want more...
I just checked the german ghb19 and i think it states you can use reserve units. :-/ [ATTACH] I think i need to combine those rules.[ATTACH] So...