Hi folks, First: If you cast Doppelganger using arcane vassal, the attacks will use the profile of the slann or the skink priest? Second: If...
Hi folks, So I present to you this army list which is centered on a Slaynn (yes, Slaynn), with Ilusion: Doppelganger, Crystal, Miasmatic and...
Cool and ty! And one more question: could the Skink Chief shoot the giant blowpipes? Because this edition doesn't specify that it requires 2...
Hi folks, I have a question: could a Skink chief in stegadon shoot the giant bow and the Ruby Ring of Ruin in the same turn? Thanks on advance!
Cool design. I LOVE lustrian poison, great idea!
Hi folks I've created this thread because I'm always thinking about how I would have designed Lizardmen if I've could. So, the idea is to share...
It means whats the next post is saying ..U
Well, I was thinking about a stratrgy involving #6 of elementalism. Casting it on salamanders to put them on the side of an enemy unit and fire...
Thanks for the welcoming. My break took 15 years... you know, slann used to meditate some centuries for chill. As a general I like to compare...
Hi, I always see you all speaking about vortex as something inevitable, but, even if it's casted, isn't expected to be dispel at the beginning of...
Good afternoon you all I'm a lizardmen player from the times when slann were classed by generations. I'm retourning to my armies now whith TOW...