Sadly the painting guide just seems to have completly disapeared... I know it's possible to use an internet time machine to find some stuff back...
Hey guys, it's been a long while since I've done anything hobby wise and I've been wanting to start painting my Stegadon to get me going with my...
I've been sick for the last couple of days and I've been having computer issues that I managed to fix this morning. I expect the voting thread to...
I'll explain how I did it (I'm not a great painter by any means) and if you need more then explanations, I'll try to post a picture. 1) 1st of...
I'm definitely in!!!! I have 90 unpainted lizards, 30 or so unpainted HE, 45 unpainted Skaven, 40 unpainted Beastmen, some unpainted monsters...
@ Danbot : It's really easy to make such a fin, I'll post a tutorial if you are interested.
I've fixed it and I will post some pictures tomorrow if I can get decent comparable lighting as the one I got to take the picture.
Thanks for the kind words! It was my 1st time painting eyes this way so that might explain why I made that mistake. I'll quickly correct it!
Here's my new completed salamander. Only need to fix the basing and it'll be considered 100% complete. I'm currently taking a break from my...
And another entry, much less spectacular (mine!!). [attach] [attach] [attach]
[attach] [attach] New entry, mine will be coming up this afternoon as well!
So I'm preparing for a campaign I'll be playing during the holidays with some friends. I'll be facing Dark Elves, Daemons and possibly Warrior of...
Instead of 2 Scar-Vet, consider the following: - Old Blood: Armour of Fortune, Dawnstone, Crown of command, GW, Cold One - BSB Scar-Vet: Amour of...
Yeah congratulations about that little piece of publicity :D!!! It's really great to have yet another L-O member make his way to the What's new...
We have a first finished model and I know some others are close to being finished so I'll start showcasing them in this thread. As for voting, I...
Look at the hall of fame, it'll give you a good idea for pictures.
Send me 2-3 good pictures, I tend to put 2 by entry otherwise, the thread is too big! As for preserving the paintjob, use Matte Varnish, it'll...
I've actually started painting my entry and I'm very happy with how it is turning out so far. I will definetely finish it in time!
One easy way to bring contrast to Lizards is to use a very different color for the scales. It worked pretty well for me and it really isnt that...
I haven't even decided the model I'm gonna paint so you guys all have a head start over me :D.