I will as soon as you send me a picture of your unpainted model :D.
I feel ashamed of my own work now T'hinker'er... To think I mentionned I was happy about my own cameleon conversion now makes me ashamed of my...
I have no idea what kind of model that is since it's from 40k but if I remember well, Dreadnaughts would be ok. I also added Iggy Koopa and...
I thought about removing the crest and giving them those weird eyes at first. The I looked at picture over the Internet and found out that a lot...
Thanks for the compliment Bork, I'm quite fond of them as a matter of fact! I'll try to paint the unit during the week-end, I know I can pull it...
Finally an update for my painting log!!!! I've finished converting 10 Chameleon Skinks, 2 of which required custom made blowpipes since GW...
Welcome to Lustria! It's a always a pleasure when a veteran player joins the community!
I like this tutorial! I've read about that technique before but your little pictures really helped understanding it all :D!
Welcome to the forums!!! I hope you enjoy the Lizardmen as much as we all do. It's a very versatile army that is strong in a lot of phases....
Very well written battle repport!!! Looks like you and your friend had plenty of fun! Your plan looked good on paper and seems like the Lady (Luck...
If you look at the banner tops, you'll notice a small pin under the chin of the ''snake''. The small round part goes there. If you need me to,...
I edited the main post with the new list of contestants. If you want to take part in this painting competition, please send me a PM, even if you...
It sure is inkpwn.
I made a blog entry about your army on my blog. Go check it out by clicking here or the link in my signature. If you want me to change anything or...
Don't worry, if you look at my blog, I always include the painter's name and a link to his/her paintlog or personnal blog. I would never take...
There a lot of cool stuff in your army, you'll definitely be making an appearance in my blog if you don't mind (see my signature).
Sure is good!!!
Yeah I guess allowing just MR would be pretty fair, especially since you won't see some 2+ WS if you make it that way since you can't stack MR. It...
Those chameleon skinks look really good!!! I'm still not done converting mine (they will be somewhat similar) but I really like what you did with...
December 15th (read the fine prints (not so fine :P) on the 1st page) is the date this competition ends.