Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(More Jungle) I feel like I'm going to repeat what the others already mentionned but man, your table is...
Actually if anyone is willing to make a winner tag, that would be awesome!!!! As for the entries, out of 10 participants, only 2 were late and...
I agree that I was hesitating between 3 entries when the time to vote came. And I could easily have included 2 others but I must admit I gave a...
I just received the pictures in the correct format for character #9 so everyone should be able to see him now. KEEP VOTING!
I find it hard to vote only for one miniature. I think the contestants did a fantastic job!!!! There are some miniatures with lots of conversion...
Thanks for pointing that out, I'll hava to contact number 9 to get pictures of a format I can upload to photobucket. I changed the pictures for...
After a very long wait (I must apologize once more for taking so long to post this thread) here is the character challenge voting thread. Look at...
Voting Thread is going online in a few minutes, please take the time to vote!!! Thanks to all who participated, can't wait to get the results!!!
I apologize for the long wait, I'll be putting the poll up during the week end, I've been really busy with work and a lousy organizer... Sorry...
More entries coming right up! For those of you who still haven't sent me their picture, please do so ASAP so I can open the poll ASAP! Send the...
There was a close-up but it was kind of blurry so I didn't include it. Maybe the contestant who painted the miniature will answer your wishes :D.
Ff I didn't post your character, you probably didn't send me the picture!!! You can still do so at!!!! Make sure you...
New entry!!! A Goblin Shaman!!! [attach] [attach]
I got some pictures already, so here are the first participants of this character challenge!! Sorry if I didn't post the name of your character...
No posting the picture!!!! You send it to Make sure the title of your e-mail is (your name) character's challenge entry....
I use a mix of P3 and GW paints... I chose P3 at first mainly because you get more paint and they are cheaper. I really like the colors I have,...
I've received some finished characters already, I suggest you other participants start hurrying up!!!
If you plan on putting an old blood on carnosaur on a small base be aware of 2 things: - It might lead to some confusion with your opponent. -...
In my area, Fantasy is a lot more popular than 40k. I guess it really depends on the local scene. That being said, I think a lot of Fantasy...
I always mix some scorched grass in with my regular grass, but I added more in this one. I'll keep your advice in mind and make sure I don't...