Welcome aboard, your ideas sound good can't wait to see you get started.
Looking good ;)
Bruce Lee hands down Enter the dragon Predator Rambo first blood Jumanji
They look good, I always get mine of ebay but these have potential
Nearly finished 6 Troggoths
What sort of granite, grey? Go a mid tone for the base, nuln oil wash then drybrush different greys in random places then stipple pallid wych...
It's what we are here for, we were all new painters once ;)
@Wilhelm Stürmer ^ this is good advice, with painting minis you have to exaggerate the effect your looking for. When you start a model and have a...
Looking forward to it ;)
Skin done on 6 [ATTACH]
Well I have 5 war bands already so can't wait to get them all built and painted, might be a while though :D
Well it's just arrived, the shop I get stuff from has free postage on orders over £50 so I bought the set, Sepulchral guard, 3 tubs of Rhinox hide...
That is impressive, most impressive ........
Can never have enough tools!!! :D With the red, Fire dragon is ok but make sure you don't cover the full scale.
Just go a tone lighter so they stand out from the rest.
I will move this and make it his blog if @Wilhelm Stürmer agrees.
Orange and Yellow are the perfect complementary colours for the sails. what you have done so far is right but the next step is achieved in either...
Excellent stuff, that skull is cool, I have some spare razordon heads and one of them is going to find it's way as helmet as some point.
What colours did you use?
Looks like a Banshee to me.