Never put the Razordons as 1 model units, 2 is ok, 3 is good, 4 is brilliant, so either 2 or 4
I’ve done the first prime coat on Troggboss, 3 Troggoths, 3 Fellwater Trogs, Mollog. They all need cleaning and filling and another coat of...
Cheers for that, might be worth a punt then. :)
@Canas @Aginor @Padre @Xasto Is this worth buying? I have Mollog and Zarbag sets just for my Gloomspite but I thought about getting this, or do...
I meant that engine thingy that's wizzing around space
I think this will come in handy for alot of people. ;)
Get saving those pennys I fear we are going to need lots :D
Not only the music, the graphics point out star maps, but would a Stardrake awakening be considered "terrible" For Nagash it would :D
Welcome aboard ;)
Yeah the pools look cool, hmmm Skaven .....
Only problem is getting to turn 3 with your Slann alive, you don't have much to stop the enemy killing him with an early attack. You might be...
You can tell, very nicely done the army has come on and it looks fantastic ;)
As long as the Rippers are part of your army and not summoned in via points the toad can be placed if the Rippers start in the clouds as per...
I agree totally here, why re-release a model and not give it a warscroll that fits with your latest game type, GW should over haul all the old...
I was the same really, I have just bought 2000 points of Troggoths and I am going to paint these to a very high standard, airbrush will be used to...
Nicely done, that Bassy look very familiar @Xlanax_lot Where do you live to keep finding models in local shops?
Nice job, I think you need to get that base done to fully appreciate the actual model. What's the plan, graveyard or rubble? Your right about it...
Pretty decent so far but I agree with @NIGHTBRINGER the blue needs shading and highlights, it's a bit new looking are you adding muzzle flare and...
I bought my proxy for £10 and he turned out ok.