Damn these multiple threads! Mind linking?
If anyone has some time on their hands and wants to do some detective work: [MEDIA] At 5:18ish they flip past the Seraphon updated points costs....
Wait a second. EoTG can pump out 20 skinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY DREAM BOYS. I want multiple...
Big fan of your work! That is looking great!
EoTG definitely needs some tunning, but I hope they keep the things that make it good, like it's mortal wound output. We have so little of that.
Any additional info or rumors onthe EtoG changes? I wonder if it can generate extra summoning point!!! Please don't nerf it though... I finally...
Hey Deed! I hope the move goes well! If you get access to all your washes I would start with a round of shading. You could really strengthen the...
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and thoughtful criticism. I really appreciate the healthy environment of this forum. People are...
Digging that a lot. I think it would be cool to bring down some of those colors from the "shell" into his body. Like as small stripes or...
Thanks! You would be amazed at how fast you can lay down some meaningful layers with a wet pallet and the right sized brush. It only took me an...
Update on a batch of Skinks i'm painting. I'm trying to improve/expand on my current painting method. I'm doing a lot of quick...
Yeah that's definitely a more complete perspective. Thanks Aginor! I haven't play a lot with 40 man units but if you create really good scenarios,...
What is the definition of a missile unit? Skinks are never used to actually put out wounds or for their shooting. So I'm not concerned if their...
Yeah that would be interesting, but probably just through the heroes. I'm hoping they touch the Chameleon skinks. Such a great unit in terms of...
Was it revealed you can cast through Skink troops? Or skink hereos/AB?
I need to finish the skulls, paint the rim and I think I might add another layer or two of flock to give some more variance. I want to get some...
This was also my first time making a jungle base. WIP. [ATTACH]
Update! EoTG 95% complete! I hope you like it! A batch of Skinks are next. Then 2 Basties and a Slann. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Joshua Engine of the Gods I apologize for the unpainted base rim... I was too excited that I fully finished my first model in over a year. I...
It already works well. I wonder if Skinks see some changes. Either price increase or rules.