This was the first time I painted this way and this color scheme. I also took the time to write down the different steps and colors. I usually...
Thanks everyone for the kind words. This is my first time ever sharing some of my work, so I really appreciate it! If anyone is curious I took...
Posted my latest Seraphon models and some older models in my new blog! I hope to be posting more as I paint up my Seraphon! :)
Thank you! I usually hot glue them to whatever I painting them on. I popped them off and stood them on top of the Stegadon to see how they...
I'm not very good at taking pictures of minis. I will wait for some sunshine and try a white backdrop next time. These are a little washed out....
Next up is a little higher quality mini and my current WIP Seraphon :) The Stegadon still has bit too go, but the skinks are nearly finished. Let...
Hello Lustria! I have been an on and off again painting and wargamer for about 4-5 years. I have dabbled in a little bit of everything. I also...
Dude, no need to apologize. I really appreciate it. I am only a night or two away from finishing the carriage and the paint job. I'll make sure to...
Hello all! The last month or so I have been getting back into painting and wargaming. I am starting my first ever paint blog later today. I'm...
Thank you! I am more of a painter and general than builder. I really suck at it.....
Could anyone help a fellow skink out? I was looking for the Stegadon building instructions. Particularly the Carriage with the bow section. I am a...
DISCLAIMER. I did not paint that. That is from GW :) I want to try and replicate it though! It doesn't look that tough. For the swirls, I would...
Here is an example of using the white to really pop the corners. Obviously it's a very different gem, but the effect is the same. [ATTACH]
You could do a few really fine dots of white or almost white at the corners to really make it pop, but you see it in person, that your judgement...
Gotcha. So say you are running bloodclaw and get a bunch of extra attacks for the heroes. You would multiply their base attacks than add teh...
Hey Lustria, Sorry if this was asked before, but can we confirm how the new EoTG, 18+ works with units that get their attack characteristics...
In general most people run 3 units of batteline. But it depends on the size of the units. Again, it's about balancing your list. If you are going...
Final plug, this is why i love Shadowstrike. Movement and ability to punish opponents who mess up their deployment. It also leads opponents into...
Yeah, singe objective games are tough when facing giant, tough heroes. You are an underdog in those objectives. Typically, more balanced gametypes...
Hey Putzfrau! For any new beginner, I would encourage you to use the AOS army builder and play around with lists you like. From there you can...