It cost me 30 SEK, which is around 3 euros, and was enough for two horde of Fire elementals. Quite cheap for 400 points worth of troops. I...
I made my Fire elementals from silicone paste. It is quite easy to shape into something that looks like flames. Here is the result: [img] I am...
The chances of getting 10 hits with the diadem are less than 0.1%.
Given the choice between those two, I'd go for Ensorcelled armour every day of the week.
Those would be my first choices as well.
I agree with much of Itepixcauh is saying; Skylord is better than Skyraiders. Replace one Mage-priest with a Herald. Possibly let go of a...
It is quite slow (a problem with Salamanders in general), and will probably suffer against shooty lists.
I listened to the latest episode of Counter-charge. When talking about his 4th game at Clash of Kings, Tom (the winner) said "Everybody had a...
Here is one of my Fire Elemental hordes (that I finally got finished): [img] The elementals themselves are made from silicone paste. One tube...
I don't know. Powerful flying characters with De 6 and/or regeneration/lifeleech are just so good. That's why you see Vampires with Wings of the...
I played around some more on EasyArmy and suddenly I am considering getting a second Clan Lord on Fire Drake. Ghekkotah Warriors (troop)...
The lack of fast and maneuverable chaff is something that really hampers the list (and the Salamander army in general), I think. I am considering...
And the Clan Lord on Fire Drake: [img] [img] I used a dragon from D&D attack wing, I think it was a silver dragon, and repainted it into a...
I use something very similar. I am experimenting with different units, but right now my army looks like this: Ghekkotah Warriors (troop)...
Thanks. The repaint is actually very simple. A single coat of brown (Flat brown for the T-Rex and something more towards tan for the...
Here are a few pics of my fiery lizards: [img] [img] [img] [img] I use Vallejo's models colors. A base of Bright orange, washed with...
My horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs: [img] [img] I have used toy dinosaurs (a T-Rex and a Carnotaurus) made by Schleich. They came in a very...
Apart from Salamanders, I only play Forces of Nature. They share a lot of units (I use two hordes of Fire elementals in both armies, and often a...
Kings of War is a much better balanced game than Warhammer was, no doubt about it. But it's still only in its 2nd iteration, and there is still...
Underpowered is a strong word, but I do feel Salamanders are slightly below average.