I'm painting a new dino for my army and need your help. I need help finding a cool dinosaur, cold one, steg, etc paint scheme. If you guys could...
I agree with Trevy the Great. They shouldn't have lowered the strength. If they kept them at str 5 with GWs I'd be happy and would actually...
Egern: Don't forget you get a 6+ armour save for being mounted! :D :artist:
I see a basic Lizardmen list with no Lord. I don't see a gunline at all.
I suggest adding a two more layers of highlighting to the horns and green scales. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Good luck. :D
Re: Div's Lizards! How did you do the basing? Thanks.
This is a new Warboss to add to my Goblin army. [attach] [attach] Add some more squigs... [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
Mine would be a toss-up between any character model I convert or the jungle swarms. Both give me a wide range of colors to use.
Deadgrass, what are you smoking? Lizardmen and Empire on the same tier? This is what I've seen in all the tournaments I've been too... Tier 1:...
I recommend using washes to bring out the detail.
I like how clean you made the cuts. The Old Ones would be proud. Can't wait to see more pics. :D
Here is mine. http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1603&start=60
Mellow Yellow!!! I like it. Being that fact that you seem to like yellow so much.
Thanks strewart. I'm glad you're a carnosaur player too. Yes, the slann is probably the best choice for a Lizardmen lord but a carnosaur list...
I really like your painting style, it's very unique. Keep up the good work.
:D Hey strewart! This thread is all about you. So I see you are on this forum a lot and you're all about "theoryhammer," as some people phrase...
To be honest... The whole model looks like you painted it yellow and then just washed it. Try breaking the miniature up by adding in some dark...
I'm a fan of the current Vermin Lord model, even if it's the old style of sculpting (done by hand rather then computer). Yeah, you won't see much...
The vermin Lord doesn't use instabality, he has +1 to his flee distance, but he is affected by things that affect deamons as he is one.
Coalts are flying creatures. EOTG don't have "flying" in their rules. Nevertheless, Reaper Miniatures has a coalt flying serpent, it might be a...