Both your lists seems to be repn' the Southlands. Cool. I'm not one to use named characters but if you ever run a lot of terradons and you'd like...
Yea, saw it last night. The damn rule in in such a small print. I don't see this character being worth it anymore. The only skink character that...
...Also, chameleon skinks are 12 points, and have the exact same stat line as a Brave. Meaning you get an entire unit of Bave's for -1 points a...
I'm loving chameleon skinks more and more. Think about it... They infiltrate behind enemylines, blend into their surrounding, stealthy, and...
Kyrogar: I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM. So far I've played 12 games with my Oldblood list and won them all excepted for one. Guess who...
I've never heard that one before. That's funny as hell.
Way better then any old army display-board I've seen. What media did you use? In the demon game what was the "Stiki Wikkit" skink chief equiped with?
The army looks great wappellious, a lot of creativity. Can you post some close-ups of the terradons and temple-guard? It's quite hard to...
Thanks for the compliments everyone! Eternity_Warden: Which one? If you are talking about the skink's right hand, I made it from two glued...
Believe it or not, your army won't do to bad against Demons. You're faster then them and you can shoot, drop rocks, and EOTG blast them before...
If you have an EOTG then give everyone around it a Ward Save from shooting. Even with a ward keep the Steg out of site until the steg is in combat...
Very good camo-skink. I stand corrected. You do need thoughs terradons. Did you ever consider running on more EOTG?
Very good thread you guys. After reading this I added a unit of 5 cham.skinks into my list. I can't wait to test them out. Being that I run an...
I play it as both wound n hit. The people that say you need to choose need to get a life.
I don't run named characters but if i could i'd run him on a stegadon not as a swarm. remember, he has the unbreakable rule, making that steg he...
strewart & Eternity_Warden: I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with them yet. Maybe I'll make one a saurus w/ the coldone cloak and a GW....
"They call him mellow yellooow." Very nice job sir. Yellow is definitely the theme here. I would recommend using some different muted colors on...
Can I get some help guys. I'm currently running a list with a carnosaur, saurus BSB, Lvl 2 priest on EOTG, and a Lvl 2 priest on foot. What is...
If you are looking for a less complex way then whats on the website you can always spray paint the model white then wash it with a blue wash color...
pixelsponge: You might want to try pinning one of each of the skinks legs to the howdah. Don't glue them, this way you can remove them when they...