The main reason i won was his very very very very poor rolling, three IF roles with ikit claw in a row destroying pretty much the whole of the...
Lizard man victory points 2348 Skaven victory points 1142 I love the lore of life!!!!
Also with dwellers below can it kill a character with me than one wound outright if he is in a unit???
Quick question about the regrowrh spell, can it bring back a completely dead model or unit is does it only replenish units or wounds??
Quick question very easy answer I shud think, can a slann be a general and bsb??
Cheers for all the advice mate, looking forward to the battle!
Right here we go this is my final army list for against skaven. LORDS Slann Mage Priest Lore of Life General The Focused Rumination The...
ill post my full army list and see what you think. im just re doing it for the fourth time.
im going to take the lore of life so i think ill take the tepok instead of the loremaster. im going to take the focused rumination and...
thanks again, i think this is going to be an epic battle!! im going to have to review my magical items as i have given my slann 3 arcane items...
Wow thanks for the reply mate appriciate it. i didnt know about the out of control test the doom wheel had to take. that could be interesting. i...
Usually use life!! Mite use death this time tho! I do have an old blood in this battle actually
His guys got an upcoming battle with my brother, quite an epic battle at 2750 points. Now he always Feinstein a doom wheel which I struggle...
thats a good idea with the Slann, my priest already is a level 2 so thats ok. i mite put him in my unit of 12 skinks. i have been a victim of...
Right got a friendly battle againts my brother and his skaven hordes. This is my army list for the upcoming battle and i was wondering peoples...
I have read further and there is loads of stuff in there I don't recognise so I assume it's old rules!
I have just read, online, that a saurus warriors armous save can never be less than 6. I have never read this in my book so is this an old rule or...
Dammit that means my lord choice is 25.9%. Will have to change my sarus old blood to a scar vetren
Hi guys got a 2250 point game coming up with my bro (skaven) I know that I'd you feild a chief on a stegadon it becomes a hero rather than rare,...
Thank you for the reply out of those im going to go for orcs n goblins they will be my next army!!