Quick question guys, what armies have received their 8th edition books? I'm still collecting Lizardmen ATM but want to collect another army but...
When rolling for the winds of magic do you roll 2d6 for each wizard, or is it you role 2d6 first then an extra d6 for each wizard added a dice of...
Sweet will make battles much better!!!
Thanks for the detailed reply, I was under the impression that all tests like leadership, strength, toughness ect were done on 2d6 have I been...
Hi people, how are we all. i have regular battles with Dark Elves and the same thing seems to be happening. I was wondering if anyone had the same...
Another question, if my old blood is in a unit of Saurus, and I am fighting say a unit of clan rats, can he kill more than the one clann rat he is...
Cheers mate, don't suppose if u know the answer to this one.... I'm fighting skaven and my opponent has a doom bell, which I think is a lord, if...
Hi guys going to have my first legal Battle rather than a mess about battle , right I have an old blood, I have added a great weapon, how does it...
Right, I'm having my Xmas on new years day and my brother has told me that he has got me a lizardman character, I don't know which one, but he...
Just got a stegadon for x mas, my first time I have had one! Do people suggest I have it with the engine, the giant bow or two giant blow pipes?...
Hi guys just a quick question, when a slann is in a unit of TG and in close combat can he still cast spells!!
I am still quite new to lizardmen and have just re-read the book, I have noticed that their are a few characters that there is no models for them,...
Hi I had my first battle against skaven last night, this is a question about saving throws for both armies! Lizardmen Saurus have scaley skin 5+...
Quick question guys can a Carnasaur be used without a mount? Thanks in advance
Ok cheers for the tips mate!!
Does pop mean stand out more, if you do that's what I want, when highliting do you dry brush or do you draw around each scale? I can imagine that...
Hi people how's it's going. This is probably a silly question to most people. But when painting do you wash your model first or highlite first???...
Ah ok cool! I assumed the book was the 8th ed!! Cheers for the info!'
I would use magic I just didn't add any to the points total! I would use magic if icould use my slann, but the book says you can't have any lords...
I am new to the 8th edition on warhammer, I have a small lizardmen Amy which is 1200 points, this includes no magic or anything. It does, however,...