So... I'm not a good user of Scar-Veterans and Oldbloods, even though I know they are very nice on the field, especially Scar-Vet since their so...
Hi Bob! Funny somebody still remembers me :'D I actually haven't got a chance to run my little boy in any games yet, but I was thinking of...
Yes, I actually remembered it, but I remembered it wrong :'D I remembered it was within 12'' instead of the actual 24'', blaarrgh! No wonder I...
Yeah, well today we played, and it was pretty interesting... AND my dice rolls were bad -.-" We also had one of our friends watching the game (the...
So I started to do a monster smash list, but then I decided to twist it a little, and put some of the points for couple of Skink Priest to buff my...
So, I tried to keep in mind all the things you guys said and I managed to do a 2500pts list, please tell me what you think of it :)...
Wow, thanks alot! I think this will help me alot against them :) I put here my list when I get it ready ^^ I try to keep these things in mind when...
So I'm going to play against Skaven the very first time and I have no idea what kind of list I should do or what units are good against them. All...
I would say they can't rejoin, since they lose the Unbreakable when they leave and a model who doesn't have the Unbreakable -rule can't join unit...
I'd say YAY ! \o/ The only Special Character I have used is Tetto'eko, but he has worked very well and has some pretty neat things for 185pts. :)...
The rule about Lord Kroak's unbreakable says: "If Lord Kroak joins a unit of Temple Guard, all models in the combined unit gain the Unbreakable...
So we was wondering with my BF (who plays OnG) would a Temple Guard unit with a Slann and maybe few Scar-Vets be any good..? Sure it's expensive...
Seems like a nice list, I haven't personally tried a double buss list yet, but I'm eager to see how it works ^^ The only thing I must point out...
Thanks for the comment and advice. The only thing I'm actually concerned is that the Swarms are really vulnerable, and can my Bastis spit enough...
Yeah, I haven't done anything with WH like... In a year or something, and I'm finally getting back to play and paint again. I'm NOT a competitive...
I have against me Skarsnik, 4lvl shaman, two goblin boss, two night goblin hordes, black orc unit, two mangler squigs and two giants... I haven't...
That's one amazing color scheme you got there! Really solid work and unique (which I appreciate very much). I like that your Saurus has nearly the...
Thanks for all compliments. ^^" I have few bigger ongoing WH- art projects, but I've been busy lately :P Next I'm going to paint my Troglodon and...
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Own Special Character added Thanks n810, I appreciate. ~ I tried to not do him so OP, but still a nasty nuisance...
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Own Special Character added Thanks :> I'm happy you like him, I'm also pleased to the final outcome. :)