Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Kroxigor sculpt ready :: First Dark One :: It's been a while again, and I have been working with a lot of...
Hi all! I'm pretty nervous to show anyone my writings (especially in English), but I decided to put here this little fluff I wrote for my own...
Oh my gosh, I love that Skink Priest! I like your whole army (btw), I wish I could paint even half as good as you :) ! Just lovely, I can't wait...
Ok, thanks, sounds interesting. :) I were just wandering that because I'm going to do some Tlaxtlan terrain and in our 7th edition book was that...
I was wondering, since I haven't found out any information of what kind of Old One Tlazcotl is that has he any kind of speciality (like for...
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 13/09 Wow, that sure looks nice! :) Very good job!
Hi! I was thinking if anyone could give me a hand with this new edition armylist designing..? I'm so confused and don't quite know how and what...
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Kroxigor sculpt ready Thanks Scalenex :) I hope I can figure something epic out for him : D
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Kroxigor sculpt ready Haha, thanks Zwuppie. I really wanted to sculpt him very caricature like, with all that...
Re: First Lizard Wow, that Skink Priest looks very very nice! O__O Very solid paint job and nice colors. Those golden feathers look awesome....
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Minttu the Stegadon) Piti käydä katsomassa miten toisen suomalaispelaajan armeija edistyy :D So, that's one...
Interesting paint scheme. I like his cold appearance, I like the color choice you have made for him and his palaquin, they mach each other well....
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Tlaxtlan's Blood Moon :: First Kroxigor Spawned! :: Hello everyone ! I have finally got my first Kroxigor...
Thanks for the picture! Where did you get that cobra ornament ? :O
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 15/08 Wow, that Solar Engine looks so awesome! Can't wait to see that finished :) I have also thought converting...
I was just wandering do you guys have any Warhammer (maybe Lizardmen?) based tattoos? I'm going to take a Sotek head on my neck when I have some...
Does anyone have Jaguar standard conversion? I tried to find one but I didn't find any pictures of one :( I have been thinking of converting one....
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth I'm with pgarfunkle, I too have used Chief in Skrox unit with poisoned attacks. What...
Oh dear God, why did I have to read this thread XC As a graphic designer, I think that's a major failure to forget something like that on the...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth Actually, I have used a 30 x Skink cohort with 3 Kroxigors & poisoned attacks and it...