Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log Thanks rychek :) Scalenex, you're right, but I ment to compare more like theyr characteristics and nature than...
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log Haha, thanks : D It's so funny when you think that two players with whole different armies hang together.~ OnG are...
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log Thanks! :) I thought I could paint my future Oldbloods or Scar Veterans like that black & white one.~
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log :: Long time no see :: It's have been far too long from my last update. School has taken all of my time until...
Thanks for the feedback guys! I made some adjustments, tell me what you think~ CORE 988pts 60 x Saurus Warrior 750pts - full command - spears...
Wanted to try out double Slann list for fun. Hope my army can stand against High Elves. Please give me some feedback about the list! CORE...
The list with a little changes : CORE 710 / min 500pts 10 x Skink Skirmishers (70pts) 10 x Skink Skirmishers (70pts) 10 x Skink Skirmishers...
Oh, you're right, good you noticed it XD What should I change: should I take the venom away or the sword?
That's what I thought also, I know my opponent has 6 trolls in his army, so... What do youthink about the rest of the army?
Yea, I decided to ask some help here 'cause I'm all lost with my remaining 212 pts here. I have a match against O&G, and I have done this kind of...
Okey, so, what's your suggestion for his options..?
OK, thanks for advice! Here's udated list, is it better now? CORE 610 pts 25 x Saurus Warrior 305pts - full command 25 x Saurus Warrior...
Thanks everybody, please give me feedback, what do you think about this : CORE 660 pts 25 x Saurus Warrior 330pts - full command -spear 25 x...
I'd really like to get some advice against Dark Elves :S It's going to be a 2000 pts game, and I'd like to spend my points wisely ^^"
Yeah, we talked with my boyfriend about as random stuff as Warhammer armies theme songs/musics. I thought it might be interesting to hear what you...
Huini Ataxa "Small Curse" 2000 pts 25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts) - full command 20x Saurus Warrior (270 pts) - full command - spears 13x...
25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts) - full command 25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts) - full command 20x Temple Guard (370 pts) - full command - Gold Sigil...
I found myself drawn towards this topic, 'cause I wanted to share my experiences for being a girlgamer.~ I have dealed much with boys in the past...
I have tryed to find some equipment and stuff so I could start to design bases for my Lizardmen. Have you any good websites inn mind? I have...
Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army Whoops, well, this was my first one, so I make mistakes. We took a match against the High Elves yesterday...