Very nice painting and very coherent colours, that works out pretty well :) as for @mousekiller 's idea, I may have another suggestion: @Acrocanth...
veeeery fancy. Are you going to go for more bits of painting here and there? Maybe I would add some discreet highlights here and there once the...
@Zenard I'll side with you on the time problem. Unless there is a game with a minimum proportion of painted minis or whatever, it's always good to...
welcome on the forum mate! have fun discovering the hobby and games, hope to see your minis soon :D
@Jorgik yeah i'm def considering trying one :) I've been thinking about it since I got back to modelling a couple months ago… been browsing the...
awesome stuff with very refined painting, it seems :) congrats!!
Wow very nice work mate. Love the different skink colour schemes and the eternals, the chaos look works great on those… so what is up next on your...
yeah, awesome work for sure, dead bodies are always a good option :) impatient to see the snakes. keep it up!!
thanks mate :) i hope i can paint them properly as well once i get the chance to go for it !! (that is very soon… right now i've got 2 marine...
Hey guys! So I've been starting to think about what kind of army i'd like to field for AoS… i gathered some insight from the other topics and...
[ATTACH] Some additional work on bases I've been busy with yesterday :) it's not finished, i've got some details to add but I'm hoping it'll look...
Thanks @Jamie Searle :) ! What chapter? I was going with ultras but I think this assault squad and my upcoming sniper scouts may become...
welcome to the forum mate! don't worry about posting everything you've got it's always cool to see what people are up to :)
Hey man have good to have you here! it's cool to get some reinforcements on the french team ;)
Can't wait to hear of your playing experience and see your army come alive mate.. It's awesome to be interested in tactics and painting alike I...
I'm a real fan of your lava bases... Apart from the base, I hope you'll get the time to get this little guy finished soon cause it's sure starting...
wow so it looks like we'll be facing serious ass-kicking posts on the painting side won't we… Well let's do our best and step up our game :p...
Hey! Just wanted to say welcome… annnnd: couldnt agree more. I dont hear that nearly often enough. They did freaking Mayan dinosaurs, with the...
Welcome amigo. Always sweet to meet some newly converted lizard fans :) looking forward to checking out your painting!
Cheers guys! looking forward to contributing as well :) I'll do my best to keep it interesting!