Oh man that's unfortunate... Speedy recovery
lol thanks its cool to hear even an injured or maimed base can find love out here ^^
no the bases seem just fine to me :) its cool that you added some grass on the stone piece, makes it look more natural… i think you have a right...
Thanks for the support guys :) I really hope the totems will blend in and not be some kind of weird addition to the ruins. As far as painting is...
wow I just found your blog and man, those temple guards and terrain are such an inspiration. I went for 'save image as…' quite a lot today ;)
I just realized there was nothing painted yet on this 'painting' blog. So I thought I'd picture some older models to apologize for the delay :)...
Sooo we've got some green stuff on now… Trying to figure out the best way to integrate my green bits into the ruins' composition. [ATTACH]...
Man… let me give you a retrospective 'like' :stig: for all the models and terrain :p
Yeah I read you'd left it behind for a while… It's cool of you to come and show the world how it's done :p I didnt think you could use car primers...
@Crowsfoot judging from your gorgeous blog through which I've been eagerly scrolling, you contribute much more than in some way… Btw if you don't...
awesome work as usual on the steg. And very nice greenstuff scales ^^
Thanks everyone :) I'm trying to get some pics going indeed! Just finished some green stuff shenanigans, I'll be posting that to my blog shortly....
Great work on the terrain mate! love the carved pillars :stig:
oh, that i shall ^^
Well thanks :D I'm doing my best! I really love bases and the way they interact with the model's pose. I may indeed pin it dow, all the likelier...
Hi everyone! I just stumbled across this section and thought I'd give it a go :) So i'm basically a newcomer! I come from Paris, France. Years...
Sooo, for the last week I've been starting to play around with the lizardy lizards :) In terms of general plan, I've been through the tactical...
Hey everyone! So lately I've been very busy with work but I still started feeling like hobbying again a little, for some reason. As Lizardmen...
Dunno, he mentioned 'Australustria' so…
@spawning of Bob that humid? Must be somewhere between queensland and, well… and queensland, I guess :p thats one hell of a lustria-like area for...