Ok, The effect of the beer is gone now (Mariestad :) brewed in sweden? transported to germany bought by friend transported back to sweden and its...
Im going to have a game tonight with my OnG friend. He will have a list with trolls, big block of savage orcs (don't know if horde), big block of...
I made a 2400 etc list and I got my ass kicked. :) 20-0 first match against WOC 14-7 against daemons. Only reason it didn't end 20-0 was that I...
But if you go with single shot you have lost the only thing with blowpipes that are better than jav. And like Pinktaco says, blowpipes are very...
I guess it all depends on what kind of an army you wanna play. Do you wanna go magic? Fine, buy a slann and some more temple guard. One or two...
I forgot to mention that its not allowed to post individual points on the forum. Just write the total sum for lords, heroes, core, special and...
It looks fun to play. But you don't have any combat blocks and if you are not careful in your moving phase it will get smashed by tougher...
Hi Davis! Welcome to the forum. Just ask whatever questions you have and I am sure someone here knows the answer or can recommend something for...
:) It will in most cases not give you a massive advantage (from second rank). It is not game braking in any way. I have noticed that it can make a...
Hi there, Today I bought a used complete army. It contains of: Painted: Slann Kroak SV bsb on foot OB on foot numerous skink characters on...
Thanks Sleboda! Nice answer. :) Continue now with your discussion. /Crillaz
Will do. Just a few questions, Will you change your mind due to this discussion you think? Based on what we know right now about PF? Is your...
A guy at the gaming club uses a plastic tool box, quite big. On all the insides he has glued sheet metal. His models are all magnified to a sheet...
Never ending discussion…. From my point of view: Just skip PF in the second rank for peace sake. This has been discussed to death it feels like....
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? Haha, sure! I like it :) Thanks
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far (Cohort unit filler) An avatar would be nice! I don't know what though…do you have any suggestions? /Crillaz
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far (Cohort unit filler) Oh man. I have just read threw the whole thread, absolutely amazing! Great work on both...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far (Cohort unit filler) Orcs and goblins would have been easy, just a bunch of orcs fighting each other. :)...
Hello, I am going to meet two high ranking players next sunday. They are both ranked top 20 in Sweden, so they are good players. They play DOC...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far (Cohort unit filler) Thank you!