Can a wizard in close combat either alone or in a unit cast spells in the magic phase? /Crillaz
perhaps a stupid question, but how do you randomize between 8 lores?
No one?
Working on my rippers now. To this moment I have been really impressed with how GW makes all the different parts in the kits fit very good...
A question, If the carno is slain and the rider is still alive. Have you magnetized his feet somehow to be able to put him on a 25 mm base or...
You can also go with the stegadon helmet for some impact hits and higher toughness.
Ok, So some painting has been done. My carno with rider is finished except for the base. I went with orange like some people suggested. I guess I...
Im gonna go with orange I think. I really liked the result on your steg.
Ok, So lets say I go with orange and white belly, that does force me to paint something orange on all the saurus, right? To give it all something...
Thank you. That is something to use for me. :) I checked on my "inspiration pic" for the carno before and the rider was red. I don't think I...
Paint job looks really good. But i am sorry to say that I think the carno looks too small. Maybe its the saddle doing it. /Crillaz
Elimination sounds good. I know what that is :), but what is a basic Crayola box? :) Thanks for the advice. I will think about that. Im not...
Thank you! I don't know yet. My reg. saurus is blue, but I will not go with that. I think. Either really dark or very light. Ex, whitish grayish....
Hi I have decided to start a paint log to motivate myself to paint more frequently. That is is a must if Im gonna finish my unpainted models...
Thanks! :)
Hi What rules is it for shooting with skirmishers? Is it forward arc or 360 degrees? I can't find the 360 rule in the BRB but think I read...
Welcome! Enjoy the fruits of this forum. :) /Crillaz
very good write-up! Thanks. I often have a problem with my deployment so this will help! :) /Crillaz
What if within the generals inspiring presence? bsb? Edit, I can contribute too :) Did you know... Remember that a shield on a GW character...
Can the laser beam be used while in close combat? If so I think it would be worth a try with the basti.