So i saw this as i was looking for toys to.get my son and idk will it make good scenery for the game ? [ATTACH]
The sculpter your asking about is @woogity and WOW that thing is ssssooo awesome
RIGHT!!! GER ME BACK INTO THIS HOBBY AND AWAY FROM VIDEO GAMES / DND... Name: Bracnos Suggestion: Lizard men themed realm gates
hay when played right Kobolds rule~~~
lol im the opposite I got stabbed in the eye years ago and my hands hate me
wow that's just...wow
man each time I look at your work makes me hate the crappy GS work I did on my primal guards...I still have a few more not primed I need to put...
one of my favored races to play in DND/pathfinder is lizard folk or really any lizard type race like the kobolds or dragon born. I had a character...
WOW that is some fantastic work nice
Ahha awesome work im going to be doing this too but because of my need for lights ill be adding a LED(somehow) but nice to see it this custom work...
Looking closer at your models im even more impressed whe i see the level of skill you have with ether a dremil or a hobby knife.:eek: wow such...
Wow fantastic work i love every bit of your models makes me want to do the same. Imo the normal lizard troops look really scrawny. And hell i...
i did for my warriors all green since that was the only colors I had when I first started but now im just going to go with a mix and match...
Looks like that speaker you want will not work on win 10. Then again i dont know if your running vIsta :)
Confused hobbyist is confused??
Thanks for the advice but as i was working on the black i did not like how it was turning out so i went with bone...still lots left to do but here...
[ATTACH] yes dude yes