I am running light right now. Life is obviously real solid as well. I think Shadow can be really solid though and I have had some fun with...
I have run them in 2200, 2500 and will be running them in 2400. I went 3-2 at Northstar with a life Slann I won Dark Conquest with them with...
Right now I am running 3 units of 6 that are 3 wide.
Which Brian Moyer list?
The rule book doesn't require they move to base to base contact anymore, if it can't be done you just pretend they are.
I don't think the slann can refuse as he isn't allowed to go to the back of the unit due to his guardian rule.
[attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
Check the mixed unit rules, he only moves when you are down to 1.
Check out the page with mixed units on it. It explains the rules for the Skrox and Slann in TG there.
He has to step up when it gets to one TG left. It shows in the mixed unit rules, cause you can't have a second rank larger than front.
At Adepticon my two units of 5 chamos moved up and shot at a Hyrda turn one. During the magic phase I hexed it as I thought it would probably...
Thanks, there were some really nice pieces and armies there.
Here is my entry: [attach] Here are a couple of other entries: [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
I decided to attend this Indy GT as my wife had been wanting to visit her brother in Texas this summer, so I suggested we head down for the week...
Yeah, the pics don't shoe it real well, but there is a bit of a tint to the white
Anyone else playing these?
The Death Marshalls are getting close [attach]
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 26th***) Very cool man!
Skinks are still aquatic though, which says they can ignore all movement penalties for water.
I don't believe there is any argument on it.