The cold one for me, if the mins were like that one I'd get them in a heart beat.
Thanks Nightbringer, once I'm happy with the model and finshed I'll clean it up, I find getting rid of mould lines the most tedious part of...
Just another little update, think I finished the head for the first sauralophodon. Check it out: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Also this arm from hellion set would be useful, help them hold on to those wolves:
I used these for some dark eldar cannibals, think they could convert easily for dark elves, I used hellion rider legs and corsair bits. [ATTACH]
I know it will look a million times better but things like that don't bother me so much, I'll probably end up doing it, as long as they look cool...
Thanks! Think I will add a further spike lower down the crest as well. The pikes were from ebay, drilled through the hand, up close they look a...
So just a little update. Got the base for a head mask for the stegadon/parasauralophus (sauralophadon :) ) , will add rope or something so it...
Yes!! Love the white terradon, great idea! I've just ordered 6 of these because of your lizzies :)
Great! Really appreciate all the help guys thanks. A lot of reading for me to do :)
Cool, thank you all for your help. Will be reading through all this. So could a lizzie live amongst people? I've been reading up and what i get...
Is there any fluff of backstory or something that could indicate that lizardmen could betray each other or work against each other? I have an...
Yes!! That's my fave too :)
So while waiting for some bits and (quite) a few skinks I thought i'd focus on trying to come up with a colour scheme for the army. Now what I'm...
Thanks Fhanados, yes the slann dino is a kentrosaurus, smaller cousin of the stego. I've got an idea for an engine of the gods, but first need to...
Woah! Yes! Thank you! So I suppose you now own my soul.
Just been reading through this blog, all your work is just amazing. The time you put into your sculpts is commendable, I don't have the patience....
The dilo will look great converted up, look forward to what you come up with.
Am I allowed one? :) For a lizzie riding parasauralophus, I'd be forever in your debt.