Wow! That must have taken an awfully long time!
This, absolutely this - I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I wish I could like it twice. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TRUE FAN! It’s fine to have a...
Those are some badass heroes! The only thing I would say is that I at least find that when I paint the rims of the bases the same colour as the...
Welcome aboard!
It’s just a short story written with no real purpose in mind, and I know it’s heresy of the highest accord for my first piece to not involve...
Awesome work - love the bases!
To be fair, The Man in the High Castle is literally about the Nazis and if they took over, and I don’t think they even go that far to present them...
Terry Pratchett is definitely my favourite author and his stories are all absolute brilliant - hilarious, witty and immensely cleverly plotted....
The Sunblood is definitely a black stripe without the White in terms of colours - the warscrolls at the back of the Tome are mostly in the Fangs...
Awesome looking models - can’t wait to see more!
Awesome stuff! That looks absolutely amazing!
New endless spells and scenery revealed for Sylvaneth. That Vengeful Skullroot looks pretty nasty...
Shadow Troopers are an EU creation; Stormtroopers with personal cloaking devices (your best bet for seeing them is probably Battlefront). The...
Ok, that’s pretty unforgivable. You’re supposed to be one of the ‘caring’ companies - you can do so much better than this pathetic nonsense
Who says comics can’t have badass moments too (when Vader finds out the identity of the pilot who blew up the Death Star)? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Feminism is the empowerment of women to reach the same levels of men; describing it as anything else is a misuse of the term. As @Aginor said, the...
Awesome! Those are some great looking models!