Where did you read that?
That’s incredibly impressive for a first model! I love your army so far - it looks great!
That’s a great looking army!
Welcome aboard! Every AoS Warscroll is in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app, so if you have access to it it’s probably your best bet!
It’s World Blood Cancer day today - the perfect opportunity to help save a life by joining the stem cell register. It’s such a simple process but...
While I might not agree with you on the reasons why, that did look pretty shite so I have no issues with that particular flop - it’s not like...
I’d noticed the disappearance of the SC, but I hadn’t realised that the whole lot had gone. Looks like we’re in for a Destruction update...
Very nice - it’s great to see your take on them at last!
Looking good!
Thanks for adding all these other factions - this is a fantastic resource for all AoS players! Just one minor nitpick: You’d sort of hope that...
I was referring more to the various battalions on offer (the lack of any response whatsoever for almost two years somewhat suggesting it was not a...
That’s one of the exact main points I was trying to make on the batman thread! But anyway, let’s not dredge that up again here - this is supposed...
Welcome aboard!
I think this is just going to come down to a simple difference in opinions and beliefs for us both, rather than necessarily something that can be...
Sorry about this, we should probably leave this thread for the Batman memes instead of filling it up with yet more of our debates! :D
Welcome aboard! I too have gone for the red and blue combination if you want any inspiration, although I have no doubt yours will be a good deal...
I think you might be missing my point slightly on this. I concede that Batwoman does (or at least will likely) contain progressive elements....
Awesome! You’re posts are always a pleasure to see - I love how interconnected and fitting into the lore your armies are, and it’s always great...