DON'T... USE... THINNER... WITH... PLASTIC... TRUST... ME... I... KNOW... lol :) :chicken:
Hi Palinux, are you taking part in ETC?
As suppe said, at this point the only thing you can do is carefully cut it off. With METAL MODELS (don't use with plastic models for chrissakes!)...
Deployment depends greatly on what the opponent does, but the general idea is to have the saurus units in the centre, the steg with warspear on...
Looks pretty good! Not really much to criticize about it, but here are some general comments that you might wish to consider: Giving the Engine...
A really effective method I use for painting gold (especially for lizardmen) is the following: 1. Black undercoat 2. Shining Gold basecoat (a...
My current carno build includes the blade of revered tzunki. I have my first practice game this evening and I'll let you know how it goes :)
Re: Avatar inspired terradons Great work! Looking forward to seeing more pics Suppe
Fantastic! Can't wait for another update!
Congratulations mate!!! Ahhh what a relief that must be! I am currently working on my thesis (which I need to submit in two weeks' time...
Only problem I see with your slann set-up is that you can't take cupped-hands and plaque of tepoc since they are both arcane items. Personally I...
I love this game. Been at it (on and off) for over a year now, and I really enjoy picking it up again once in a while (when I have the time) and...
Baiting works well against Khorne. I would therefore recommend a couple of terradon units and skink skirmishers. The idea is to force him to...
The biggest problem with this combo is that the oldblood will be limited to str. 5. This means that opponent's armour save will only be reduced by...
Keep us posted!! And welcome to the forum by the way :)
True that he is overpowered, but I think that with the right point cost he could be playable in a purely friendly for-fun-only match up. I think...
Great essay their asrodrig! Perfect summary of the lizardmen army :)
Also, the models will most probably not change in the near future (so even when the new LM army book comes out it does not mean that all models...
No what they told you is definitely wrong eagleblaze. The rule is: 1. declare charges, 2. rally fleeing troops, 3. compulsory moves, 4. move...
Correct if I'm wrong but isn't declare charges the very first thing you do in a turn (i.e. before compulsory moves and the like)?