Re: Painting schemes for my new Lizzie army I like your colour scheme mate, and your painting is very neat. Only quibble that i have is that the...
I think the weapon fits well! True that it looks more egyptian than aztec/mayan but I think it looks great.
IMO that oldblood is excellent. Both sculpting and painting are great. To be honest I was not too keen on the scar-vet's colour scheme (though his...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) Those are simply some of the best painted figures I have seen in a very long time!...
Quite a nice list, but I do have some comments and suggestions. First off, I think you are a bit weak on the magic side. I am aware that this is...
Seems like an ok list, though much depends on your ability to combine charges effectively. Also, three units of cold-ones, even though I can see...
Yep... you need terradons ;)
Yep will do!
thanks for the links guys! :)
That's the one suppe :) Great idea using the colour scheme for the terradons :)
Local tourny using ETC rules: Very tough army limitations, and playing a slann army is...
Great work Bentistos! It looks good so far... that krox head reminded me of a scene from avatar (the throne of the na'vi leader has a giant dino...
Whoa!!! Now that's a BIG battle!!! Post some pics and let us know how it goes :)
Thanks a lot for the tips Hunted... very valid points you made there :)
Thanks a lot for the reply! As regards the spear-a-don, tournament rules dictate that I can only have one ancient steg, hence the reason for it...
Looks like an ok list... and I think I would keep the skinks seeing as you're playing HE. However, I would rather place the skinks in the largest...
Hi all, I have a tournament coming up and I drew up the following list: Lord: Saurus Oldblood--------------------------------> 466 Carnosaur...
Looking good!
Very nice models! Painting looks very neat and i like your colour scheme. Small comment with regards to the gold... I think it needs some shading...
Seems like a pretty solid list :) I would, however, try to squeeze in another unit of 3 terradons and I do agree with the previous comments that...